// Copyright 2000-2005 the Contributors, as shown in the revision logs. // Licensed under the Apache Public Source License 2.0 ("the License"). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. package org.ibex.mail; import org.ibex.crypto.*; import org.ibex.util.*; import org.ibex.mail.protocol.*; import org.ibex.js.*; import org.ibex.io.*; import org.ibex.io.Fountain; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; // FEATURE: body constraints (how to enforce without reading stream, though?) // - messages must NEVER contain 8-bit binary data; this is a violation of IMAP // - RFC822 1,000-char limit per line [soft line limit (suggested): 78 chars / hard line limit: 998 chars] /** * [immutable] This class encapsulates a message "floating in the * ether": RFC2822 data but no storage-specific flags or other * metadata. */ public class Message extends MIME.Part { // Parsed Headers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public final Address to; public final Address from; // if multiple From entries, this is sender public final Address envelopeFrom; public final Address envelopeTo; public final Date date; public final Date arrival; public final Address replyto; // if none provided, this is equal to sender public final String subject; public final String messageid; public final Address[] cc; public final Address[] bcc; public static Message newMessage(Fountain in) throws Malformed { return new Message(in, null); } public static Message newMessageFromHeadersAndBody(Headers head, Fountain body, Address from, Address to) throws Malformed { return new Message(Fountain.Util.concat(head, Fountain.Util.create("\r\n"), body), new String[] { "Return-Path", from==null ? "<>" : from.toString(true), "Envelope-To", to.toString(true) }); } /* public static Message newMessageWithEnvelope(Fountain in, Address from, Address to) throws Malformed { return new Message(in, new String[] { "Return-Path", from==null ? "<>" : from.toString(true), "Envelope-To", to.toString(true) }); } */ public Message withEnvelope(Address from, Address to) { return new Message(this, new String[] { "Return-Path", from==null ? "<>" : from.toString(true), "Envelope-To", to.toString(true) }); } private Message(Fountain in, String[] keyval) throws Malformed { super(in, keyval); this.envelopeTo = headers.get("Envelope-To") != null ? Address.parse(headers.get("Envelope-To")) : null; this.envelopeFrom = headers.get("Return-Path") != null ? Address.parse(headers.get("Return-Path")) : null; this.to = headers.get("To") != null ? Address.parse(headers.get("To")) : this.envelopeTo; this.from = headers.get("From") != null ? Address.parse(headers.get("From")) : this.envelopeFrom; this.replyto = headers.get("Reply-To") == null ? null : Address.parse(headers.get("Reply-To")); this.subject = headers.get("Subject"); String messageid = headers.get("Message-Id"); this.cc = Address.list(headers.get("Cc")); this.bcc = Address.list(headers.get("Bcc")); Date date = RobustDateParser.parseDate(headers.get("Date")); this.date = date==null ? new Date() : date; this.arrival = this.date; // FIXME wrong: should grab this from traces, I think? if (messageid == null) { SHA1 sha1 = new SHA1(); Stream s = this.getStream(); s.setInputDigest(sha1); s.transcribe(new Stream(new NullOutputStream())); byte[] end = new byte[sha1.getDigestSize()]; sha1.doFinal(end, 0); messageid = ""; Log.info(this, "synthesized messageid " + messageid); } this.messageid = messageid; } // Helpers ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // http://www.jwz.org/doc/mid.html private static final Random random = new Random(); public static String generateFreshMessageId() { return generateFreshMessageId(Base36.encode(System.currentTimeMillis())+'.'+ Base36.encode(random.nextLong())); } // FEATURE: sha1-based deterministic messageids? probably only useful for some virtual Mailbox impls though public static String generateFreshMessageId(String seed) { StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); ret.append('<'); ret.append(seed); ret.append('@'); try { ret.append(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { /* DELIBERATE */ } ret.append('>'); return ret.toString(); } // FIXME: untested. Do we really want to duplicate all the old headers??? public Message reply(Fountain body, Address from, boolean includeReInSubject) throws Malformed { return reply(new String[0], body, from, includeReInSubject); } public Message reply(String[] keyval, Fountain body, Address envelopeFrom, boolean includeReInSubject) throws Malformed { Address to = null; if (to==null) to = Address.parse(headers.get("reply-to")); if (to==null) to = Address.parse(headers.get("from")); if (to==null) to = this.envelopeFrom; if (to==null) throw new Malformed("cannot reply to a message without a return address"); String references = headers.get("references"); String subject = this.subject; if (includeReInSubject && subject!=null && !subject.toLowerCase().trim().startsWith("re:")) subject = "Re: "+subject; Headers h = new Headers(new Headers(new String[] { "To", to.toString(true), "Message-Id", generateFreshMessageId(), "Date", new Date()+"" /*FIXME!!!*/, "Subject", subject, "In-Reply-To", messageid, "References", messageid + (references==null?"":(" "+references)) }), keyval); return newMessageFromHeadersAndBody(h, body, from, to); } // this is belived to be compliant with QSBMF (http://cr.yp.to/proto/qsbmf.txt) public Message bounce(String reason) { if (envelopeFrom==null || envelopeFrom.toString().equals("")) return null; // FIXME: limit bounce body size // FIXME: include headers from bounced message Log.warn(Message.class, "bouncing message due to: " + reason); Headers h = new Headers(headers, new String[] { "Envelope-To", envelopeFrom.toString(), "Return-Path", "<>", "From", "MAILER-DAEMON <>", "To", envelopeFrom.toString(), "Subject", "failure notice" }); String error = "\r\n"+ "Hi. This is the Ibex Mail Server. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver\r\n"+ "your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error;\r\n"+ "I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out\r\n."+ "\r\n"+ "<"+envelopeTo.toString()+">:\r\n"+ reason+"\r\n"+ "\r\n"+ "--- Below this line is a copy of the message.\r\n"+ "\r\n"; try { return newMessage(Fountain.Util.concat(h, Fountain.Util.create(error), getBody())); } catch (Message.Malformed e) { Log.error(this, "caught Message.Malformed in Message.bounce(); this should never happen"); Log.error(this, e); return null; } } public String toString() { throw new RuntimeException("Message.toString() called"); } public final String summary() { return "[" + envelopeFrom + " -> " + envelopeTo + "] " + subject; } public static class Malformed extends MailException { public Malformed(String s) { super(s); } } /** reads an SMTP-style dot-escaped message */ static Message readDotEncodedMessage(Stream conn) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while(true) { String s = conn.readln(); if (s == null) throw new RuntimeException("connection closed"); if (s.equals(".")) break; if (s.startsWith(".")) s = s.substring(1); buf.append(s); buf.append("\r\n"); } return Message.newMessage(new Fountain.StringFountain(buf.toString())); } }