// Copyright 2000-2005 the Contributors, as shown in the revision logs. // Licensed under the Apache Public Source License 2.0 ("the License"). // You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. package org.ibex.mail; import org.ibex.io.*; import org.ibex.net.*; import org.ibex.crypto.*; import org.ibex.mail.*; import org.ibex.util.*; import org.ibex.mail.target.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import java.text.*; import java.io.*; // FEATURE: IDLE extension for blackberries // FIXME: this is valid LSUB "" asdfdas%*%*%*%*SFEFGWEF // FIXME: be very careful about where/when we quotify stuff // FIXME: 'UID FOO 100:*' must match at least one message even if all UIDs less than 100 // FIXME: LIST should return INBOX if applicable // Relevant RFC's: // RFC 2060: IMAPv4 // RFC 3501: IMAPv4 with clarifications // RFC 3691: UNSELECT // RFC 2971: ID // to review // RFC 4466 // RFC 4469 // FEATURE: make sure we're being case-insensitive enough; probably want to upcase atom() // FEATURE: MIME-queries and BODYSTRUCTURE // FEATURE: READ-WRITE / READ-ONLY status on SELECT // FEATURE: pipelining // FEATURE: support [charset] // FEATURE: \Noselect // FEATURE: subscriptions // FEATURE: tune for efficiency // FEATURE: STARTTLS // FEATURE: asynchronous client notifications (need to re-read RFC) public class IMAP { public IMAP() { } public static final float version = (float)0.2; // API Class ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static interface Client { public void expunge(int uid); public void list(char separator, String mailbox, boolean lsub, boolean phantom); public void fetchResponse(int num, int flags, int size, Message m, int muid); // m may be null or incomplete } public static interface Server { public void setClient(IMAP.Client client); public String[] capability(); public Hashtable id(Hashtable clientId); public void copy(Query q, String to); public void logout(); public void unselect(); public void delete(String m); public void create(String m); public void append(String m, int flags, Date arrival, String body); public void check(); public void noop(); public void close(); public void subscribe(String mailbox); public void unsubscribe(String mailbox); public int unseen(String mailbox); public int recent(String mailbox); public int count(String mailbox); public int count(); public int maxuid(); public int uidNext(String mailbox); public int uidValidity(String mailbox); public int[] search(Query q, boolean uid); public void rename(String from, String to); public void select(String mailbox, boolean examineOnly); public void setFlags(Query q, int flags, boolean uid, boolean silent); public void removeFlags(Query q, int flags, boolean uid, boolean silent); public void addFlags(Query q, int flags, boolean uid, boolean silent); public void expunge(); public void fetch(Query q, int spec, String[] headers, int start, int end, boolean uid); public void lsub(String start, String ref); public void list(String start, String ref); public static class Exn extends MailException { public Exn(String s) { super(s); } } public static class Bad extends Exn { public Bad(String s) { super(s); } } public static class No extends Exn { public No(String s) { super(s); } } } // MailboxWrapper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** wraps an IMAP.Server interface around a Mailbox */ public static class MailboxWrapper implements Server { public static final char sep = '.'; Mailbox inbox = null; Mailbox selected = null; MailTree root = null; Mailbox selected() { if (selected == null) throw new Bad("no mailbox selected"); return selected; } final Login auth; final Client client; public MailboxWrapper(Login auth, Client c) { this.auth=auth; this.client=c;} public void setClient(IMAP.Client client) { } private String dirname(String name) { return name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(sep)); } private String basename(String name) { return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(sep)+1); } private Mailbox mailbox(String name, boolean create) { return mailbox(name, create, true); } private Mailbox mailbox(String name, boolean create, boolean throwexn) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("inbox")) return inbox; if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("trash")) name = "trash"; MailTree mt = mailboxTree(name, create, throwexn); Mailbox ret = mt==null ? null : mt.getMailbox(); if (ret==null && throwexn) throw new Server.No("no such mailbox " + name); return ret; } private MailTree mailboxTree(String name, boolean create) { return mailboxTree(name, create, true); } private MailTree mailboxTree(String name, boolean create, boolean throwexn) { MailTree m = root; for(StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name, sep + ""); st.hasMoreTokens();) if ((m = m.slash(st.nextToken(), create)) == null) { if (throwexn) throw new Server.No("no such mailbox " + name); return null; } return m; } // FEATURE: not accurate when a wildcard and subsequent non-wildcards both match a single component public void lsub(String start, String ref) { list(start, ref, true); } public void list(String start, String ref) { list(start, ref, false); } public void list(String start, String ref, boolean lsub) { // FIXME this might be wrong if (ref.equalsIgnoreCase("inbox")) { client.list(sep,"inbox",lsub,false); return; } if (ref.length() == 0) { client.list(sep, start, lsub, false); return; } while (start.endsWith(""+sep)) start = start.substring(0, start.length() - 1); if (ref.endsWith("%")) ref = ref + sep; String[] children = (start.length() == 0 ? root : mailboxTree(start, false)).children(); for(int i=0; i 0 ? sep+"" : "") + s; if (mailbox(kid, false) == null) continue; MailTree phant = mailboxTree(kid, false, false); if (phant != null) { boolean phantom = phant.getMailbox()==null; while(true) { if (pre.length() == 0) { if (s.length() == 0) client.list(sep, kid, lsub, phantom); } else switch(pre.charAt(0)) { case sep: if (s.length() == 0) list(kid, pre.substring(1), lsub); break; case '%': client.list(sep,kid,lsub,phantom);pre=pre.substring(1); s = ""; continue; case '*': client.list(sep,kid,lsub,phantom);list(kid,pre,lsub);pre=pre.substring(1); break; default: if (s.length()==0) break; if (s.charAt(0) != pre.charAt(0)) break; s = s.substring(1); pre = pre.substring(1); continue; } break; } } } } public String[] capability() { return new String[] { "IMAP4rev1" , "UNSELECT" /*, "ID"*/ }; } public Hashtable id(Hashtable clientId) { Hashtable response = new Hashtable(); response.put("name", IMAP.class.getName()); response.put("version", version + ""); response.put("os", System.getProperty("os.name", null)); response.put("os-version", System.getProperty("os.version", null)); response.put("vendor", "none"); response.put("support-url", "http://mail.ibex.org/"); return response; } public void copy(Query q, String to) { copy(q, mailbox(to, false)); } /* */ void copy(Query q, Mailbox to) { for(Mailbox.Iterator it=selected().iterator(q);it.next();) to.insert(it.cur(), it.getFlags() | Mailbox.Flag.RECENT); } public void unselect() { selected = null; } public void delete(String m0) { mailboxTree(dirname(m0),false).rmdir(basename(m0)); } public void rename(String from0, String to) { Mailbox from = mailbox(from0, false); if (from.equals(inbox)) { from.copy(Query.all(), mailbox(to, true)); } else if (to.equalsIgnoreCase("inbox")) { from.copy(Query.all(), mailbox(to, true)); delete(from0); } else mailboxTree(dirname(from0), false) .rename(dirname(from0), mailboxTree(dirname(to), true /* required by IMAP */), basename(to)); } public void create(String m) { mailbox(m, true, false); } public void append(String m,int f,Date a,String b) { try { // FIXME: more efficient streaming here? mailbox(m,false).insert(Message.newMessage(new Fountain.StringFountain(b)), f | Mailbox.Flag.RECENT); } catch (Message.Malformed e) { throw new No(e.getMessage()); } } public void check() { } public void noop() { } public void logout() { } public void close() { for(Mailbox.Iterator it=selected().iterator(Query.deleted()); it.next();) { Log.error("imap", "deleting a message due to close(): " + it.cur().summary()); it.delete(); } } public void expunge() { for(Mailbox.Iterator it = selected().iterator(Query.deleted());it.next();) expunge(it); } public void expunge(Mailbox.Iterator it) { client.expunge(it.uid()); Log.error("imap", "deleting a message due to expunge(): " + it.cur().summary()); it.delete(); } public void subscribe(String mailbox) { } public void unsubscribe(String mailbox) { } public int maxuid() { int ret = 0; Mailbox mb = selected(); if (mb == null) return 0; return mb.maxuid(); } public int unseen(String mailbox) { return mailbox(mailbox, false).count(Query.not(Query.seen())); } public int recent(String mailbox) { return mailbox(mailbox, false).count(Query.recent()); } public int count(String mailbox) { return mailbox(mailbox, false).count(Query.all()); } public int count() { return selected().count(Query.all()); } public int uidNext(String mailbox) { return mailbox(mailbox, false).uidNext(); } public int uidValidity(String mailbox) { return Math.abs(mailbox(mailbox, false).uidValidity()); } public void select(String mailbox, boolean examineOnly) { selected = mailbox(mailbox, false); } public int[] search(Query q, boolean uid) { Vec.Int vec = new Vec.Int(); for(Mailbox.Iterator it = selected().iterator(q); it.next();) { vec.addElement(uid ? it.uid() : it.imapNumber()); if ((it.getFlags() & Mailbox.Flag.RECENT) != 0) it.setFlags(it.getFlags() & ~Mailbox.Flag.RECENT); } return vec.dump(); } public void setFlags(Query q, int f, boolean uid, boolean silent) { doFlags(q, f, uid, 0, silent); } public void addFlags(Query q, int f, boolean uid, boolean silent) { doFlags(q, f, uid, 1, silent); } public void removeFlags(Query q, int f, boolean uid, boolean silent) { doFlags(q, f, uid, -1, silent); } private void doFlags(Query q, int flags, boolean uid, int style, boolean silent) { for(Mailbox.Iterator it = selected().iterator(q);it.next();) { // FIXME: what's going on here with the recent flag? //boolean recent = it.getFlag(Mailbox.Flag.RECENT); //try { throw new Exception("flags " + flags); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(this, e); } if (style == -1) it.setFlags(it.getFlags() & ~flags); else if (style == 0) it.setFlags(flags); else if (style == 1) it.setFlags(it.getFlags() | flags); //it.setFlag(Mailbox.Flag.RECENT, recent); if (!silent) client.fetchResponse(it.imapNumber(), it.getFlags(), -1, null, it.uid()); } } public void fetch(Query q, int spec, String[] headers, int start, int end, boolean uid) { for(Mailbox.Iterator it = selected().iterator(q); it.next(); ) { // FIXME it would be great if we could avoid instantiating the entire message just because RFC822SIZE was requested Message message = ((spec & (BODYSTRUCTURE | RFC822 | RFC822TEXT | RFC822SIZE)) != 0) ? it.cur() : ((spec & (ENVELOPE | INTERNALDATE | FIELDS | FIELDSNOT | RFC822SIZE | HEADERNOT | HEADER)) != 0) ? Message.newMessage(Fountain.Util.concat(it.head(), Fountain.Util.create("\r\n\r\n"))) : null; if (message != null) Log.warn("spec", spec); long size = message == null ? 0 : message.getLength(); client.fetchResponse(it.imapNumber(), it.getFlags(), (int)size, message,it.uid()); it.setFlags(it.getFlags() & ~Mailbox.Flag.RECENT); } } } // Single Session Handler ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** takes an IMAP.Server and exposes it to the world as an IMAP server on a TCP socket */ public static class Listener implements Client { String selectedName = null; Mailbox inbox = null; MailTree root = null; Server api; Parser parser = null; Connection conn = null; Login auth; public Listener(Login auth) { api = new IMAP.MailboxWrapper(this.auth = auth, this); } Parser.Token token() { return parser.token(); } Parser.Token token(boolean freak) { return parser.token(freak); } void println(String s) { conn.println(s); //Log.info("", s); } void newline() { parser.newline(); } Query query(int max) { return parser.query(max, maxn(true)); } public void login(String u, String p) { Object ret; if ((ret = auth.login(u,p,IMAP.class)) == null) throw new Server.No("Login failed."); if (ret instanceof IMAP.Server) { api = (IMAP.Server)ret; api.setClient(this); } else { Account account = (Account)ret; ((MailboxWrapper)api).root = root = account.getMailbox(IMAP.class); MailTree ibt = root.slash("inbox", false); Mailbox ib = ibt==null ? null : ibt.getMailbox(); ((MailboxWrapper)api).inbox = inbox = ib; } } private int maxn(boolean uid) { return uid ? api.maxuid() : api.count(); } public void handleRequest(Connection conn) { this.conn = conn; parser = new Parser(conn); conn.setTimeout(30 * 60 * 1000); println("* OK " + conn.vhost + " " + IMAP.class.getName() + " IMAP4rev1 [RFC3501] v" + version + " server ready"); for(String tag = null;;) try { conn.flush(); boolean uid = false; tag = null; Parser.Token tok = token(); if (tok == null) return; tag = tok.astring(); String command = token().atom(); if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("UID")) { uid = true; command = token().atom(); } int commandKey = ((Integer)commands.get(command.toUpperCase())).intValue(); switch(commandKey) { case LOGIN: login(token().astring(), token().astring()); break; case CAPABILITY: println("* CAPABILITY " + Printer.join(" ", api.capability())); break; case AUTHENTICATE: throw new Server.No("AUTHENTICATE not supported"); case LOGOUT: api.logout(); println("* BYE"); conn.close(); return; case LIST: api.list(token().q(), token().astring()); break; /*astring is a hack for EUDORA*/ case LSUB: api.lsub(token().q(), token().q()); break; case SUBSCRIBE: api.subscribe(token().astring()); break; case UNSUBSCRIBE: api.unsubscribe(token().astring()); break; case RENAME: api.rename(token().astring(), token().astring()); break; case DELETE: api.delete(token().atom()); break; case CHECK: selected(); api.check(); break; case NOOP: api.noop(); break; case CLOSE: selected(); api.close(); break; case EXPUNGE: selected(); api.expunge(); break; case UNSELECT: selected(); api.unselect(); selected = false; break; case CREATE: api.create(token().astring()); break; case FETCH: selected(); lastuid = uid; _fetch((uid ? Query.uid(token().set(maxn(uid))) : Query.imapNumber(token().set(maxn(uid)))), lastfetch=token().lx(), 0, 0, 0, uid, 0); break; case COPY: selected(); api.copy(uid ? Query.uid(token().set(maxn(uid))) : Query.imapNumber(token().set(maxn(uid))), token().astring()); break; case SEARCH: { selected(); int[] result = api.search(query(maxn(uid)), uid); /*if (result.length > 0)*/ println("* SEARCH " + Printer.join(result)); break; } case EXAMINE: case SELECT: { String mailbox = token().astring(); api.select(mailbox, commandKey==EXAMINE); println("* FLAGS (\\Answered \\Flagged \\Deleted \\Seen \\Draft)"); println("* " + api.count(mailbox) + " EXISTS"); println("* " + api.recent(mailbox) + " RECENT"); println("* OK [UNSEEN " + api.unseen(mailbox) + "]"); println("* OK [UIDVALIDITY " + api.uidValidity(mailbox) + "] UIDs valid"); println("* OK [UIDNEXT " + api.uidNext(mailbox) + "]"); println("* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\\Answered \\Flagged \\Deleted \\Seen \\Draft)]"); selected = true; break; } case STATUS: { String mailbox = token().astring(); // hack for GNUS buggy client Parser.Token[] list = token().l(); String response = ""; for(int i=0; i0) response += " "; if (s.equals("MESSAGES")) response += "MESSAGES " + api.count(mailbox); if (s.equals("RECENT")) response += "RECENT " + api.recent(mailbox); if (s.equals("UIDNEXT")) response += "UIDNEXT " + api.uidNext(mailbox); if (s.equals("UIDVALIDITY")) response += "UIDVALIDITY " + api.uidValidity(mailbox); if (s.equals("UNSEEN")) response += "UNSEEN " + api.unseen(mailbox); } println("* STATUS " + mailbox + " (" + response + ")"); break; } case APPEND: { String m = token().astring(); int flags = 0; Date arrival = new Date(); Parser.Token t = token(); if (t.type == t.LIST) { flags = t.flags(); t = token(); } Parser.Token t2 = token(false); if (t2 != null) { arrival = t.datetime(); t = t2; } api.append(m, flags, arrival, t.q()); break; } case STORE: { selected(); Query q = uid ? Query.uid(token().set(maxn(uid))) : Query.imapNumber(token().set(maxn(uid))); String s = token().atom().toUpperCase(); int flags = token().flags(); if (s.equals("FLAGS")) api.setFlags(q, flags, uid, false); else if (s.equals("+FLAGS")) api.addFlags(q, flags, uid, false); else if (s.equals("-FLAGS")) api.removeFlags(q, flags, uid, false); else if (s.equals("FLAGS.SILENT")) api.setFlags(q, flags, uid, true); else if (s.equals("+FLAGS.SILENT")) api.addFlags(q, flags, uid, true); else if (s.equals("-FLAGS.SILENT")) api.removeFlags(q, flags, uid, true); else throw new Server.Bad("unknown STORE specifier " + s); break; } default: throw new Server.Bad("unrecognized command \"" + command + "\""); } println(tag+" OK "+command+" Completed. " + (commandKey == LOGIN ? ("[CAPABILITY "+Printer.join(" ", api.capability())+"]") : "")); try { newline(); } catch (Stream.EOF e) { Log.info(this, "connection closed"); return; } } catch (Server.Bad b) { println(tag==null ? "* BAD Invalid tag":(tag + " Bad " + b.toString())); Log.warn(this,b); } catch (Server.No n) { println(tag==null?"* BAD Invalid tag":(tag+" No " + n.toString())); Log.warn(this,n); } } private Parser.Token[] lastfetch = null; // hack private boolean lastuid = false; // hack private boolean selected = false; private void selected() { if (!selected) throw new Server.Bad("no mailbox selected"); } // Callbacks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void expunge(int uid) { println("* " + uid + " EXPUNGE"); } public void fetchResponse(int n, int f, int size, Message m, int muid) { _fetch(m, lastfetch, n, f, size, lastuid, muid); } public void list(char sep, String mb, boolean sub, boolean p) { println("* " + (sub?"LSUB":"LIST")+" ("+(p?"\\Noselect":"")+") \""+sep+"\" \""+mb+"\"");} /** * Parse a fetch request or emit a fetch reply. * * To avoid duplicating tedious parsing logic, this function * performs both of the following tasks: * - parse the fetch request in Token[] t and return a fetch spec * - emit a fetch reply for the parsed spec with respect to message m */ private void _fetch(Object o, Parser.Token[] t, int num, int flags, int size, boolean uid, int muid) { Query q = o == null ? null : o instanceof Query ? (Query)o : null; Message m = o == null ? null : o instanceof Message ? (Message)o : null; boolean e = q == null; // asynchronous flags update if (size == -1) { println("* " + num + " FETCH (FLAGS " + Printer.flags(flags) + (uid?(" UID "+muid):"") + ")"); return; } lastfetch = t; int spec = 0; // spec; see constants for flags int start = 0, len = 0; String[] headers = null; StringBuffer r = new StringBuffer(); if (e) { r.append(num); r.append(" FETCH ("); } int initlen = r.length(); if (uid) { boolean good = false; for(int i=0; i initlen) r.append(" "); if (t[i] == null || t[i].s == null) continue; String s = t[i].s.toUpperCase(); r.append(s.equalsIgnoreCase("BODY.PEEK")?"BODY":s); if (s.equals("BODYSTRUCTURE")) { spec|=BODYSTRUCTURE;if(e){r.append(" ");r.append(Printer.bodystructure(m));} } else if (s.equals("ENVELOPE")) { spec|=ENVELOPE; if(e){r.append(" ");r.append(Printer.envelope(m));} } else if (s.equals("FLAGS")) { spec|=FLAGS; if(e){r.append(" ");r.append(Printer.flags(flags));} } else if (s.equals("INTERNALDATE")) { spec|=INTERNALDATE; if(e){r.append(" ");r.append(Printer.date(m.arrival));} } else if (s.equals("RFC822")) { spec|=RFC822; if(e){r.append(" ");r.append(Printer.message(m));} } else if (s.equals("RFC822.TEXT")) { spec|=RFC822TEXT; if(e){r.append(" ");r.append(Printer.qq(m.getStream()));} } else if (s.equals("RFC822.HEADER")){ spec|=HEADER; if(e){r.append(" ");r.append(Printer.qq(m.headers.getStream().append("\r\n")));} } else if (s.equals("RFC822.SIZE")) { spec|=RFC822SIZE; if(e){r.append(" ");r.append(m.getLength());} } else if (s.equals("UID")) { spec|=UID; if(e){r.append(" ");r.append(muid); } } else if (!(s.equals("BODY.PEEK") || s.equals("BODY"))) { throw new Server.No("unknown fetch argument: " + s); } else { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("BODY.PEEK")) spec |= PEEK; looked_at_body = true; if (i >= t.length - 1 || t[i+1].type != Parser.Token.LIST) { // not sure why this was uncommented.... //spec |= BODYSTRUCTURE; if (e) { r.append(" "); r.append(Printer.bodystructure(m)); } continue; //if (e) { r.append(" "); r.append(Printer.qq(m.getBody().getStream())); } continue; } Fountain payload = Fountain.Util.create(""); r.append("["); Parser.Token[] list = t[++i].l(); s = list.length == 0 ? "" : list[0].s.toUpperCase(); r.append(s); if (list.length == 0) { spec |= RFC822TEXT; if(e) payload = m; } else if (s.equals("") || s.equals("1")) { spec |= RFC822TEXT; if(e) payload = m; } else if (s.equals("TEXT")) { spec |= RFC822TEXT; if(e) payload = m.getBody(); } else if (s.equals("HEADER")) { spec |= HEADER; if(e) payload = Fountain.Util.concat(m.headers, Fountain.Util.create("\r\n")); } else if (s.equals("HEADER.FIELDS")) { spec |= FIELDS; payload=Fountain.Util.create(headers(r,t[i].l()[1].sl(),false,m,e)); } else if (s.equals("HEADER.FIELDS.NOT")) { spec |= FIELDSNOT; payload=Fountain.Util.create(headers(r,t[i].l()[1].sl(),true,m,e)); } else if (s.equals("MIME")) { throw new Server.Bad("MIME not supported"); } else throw new Server.Bad("unknown section type " + s); if (i')); int dot = s.indexOf('.'); start = dot == -1 ? Integer.parseInt(s) : Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, s.indexOf('.'))); len = dot == -1 ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s.indexOf('.') + 1)); if (e) { if (start == 0 && len == -1) { } else if (len == -1) { payload = Fountain.Util.subFountain(payload, start); } else { len = (int)Math.min(len, payload.getLength()-start); payload = Fountain.Util.subFountain(payload, start, len); } r.append("]"); r.append("<"+start+"> "); } } else { if (e) r.append("] "); } if (e) r.append(Printer.qq(payload.getStream())); } } if ((spec & PEEK) == 0 && looked_at_body && e) api.addFlags(Query.imapNumber(new int[] { num, num }), Mailbox.Flag.SEEN, false, false); if (e) { r.append(")"); println("* " + r.toString()); } else { api.fetch(q, spec, headers, start, (len==-1?0:len), uid); } } private String headers(StringBuffer r, String[] headers, boolean negate, Message m, boolean e) { String payload = ""; if (e) r.append(" ("); if (!negate) { if(e) for(int j=0; j"; } return "???"; } public String flag() { if (type != ATOM) bad("expected a flag"); return s; } public int n() { if (type != NUMBER) bad("expected number"); return n; } public int nz() { int n = n(); if (n == 0) bad("expected nonzero number"); return n; } public String q() { if (type == NIL) return null; if (type != QUOTED) bad("expected qstring"); return s; } public Parser.Token[] l() { if (type == NIL) return null; if (type != LIST) bad("expected list"); return l; } public Parser.Token[] lx() { if (type == LIST) return l; Vec v = new Vec(); v.addElement(this); while(true) { Parser.Token t = token(false); if (t == null) break; v.addElement(t); } Parser.Token[] ret = new Parser.Token[v.size()]; v.copyInto(ret); return ret; } public String nstring() { if (type==NIL) return null; if (type!=QUOTED) bad("expected nstring"); return s; } public String astring() { if (type != ATOM && type != QUOTED) bad("expected atom or string"); if (s == null) bad("astring cannot be null"); return s; } public String[] sl() { if (type == NIL) return null; if (type != LIST) bad("expected list"); String[] ret = new String[l.length]; for(int i=0; i